
Showing posts from September 20, 2024


  Be still my soul, submit, rejoice, God governs everything; Bow down and worship at His feet, And praise the sovereign King.   Our Father’s will forever stands, And changed it cannot be; Jehovah reigns throughout the world, By absolute decree.   God is the Ruler over all, His will shall none frustrate; For who could challenge or defeat The mighty Potentate?   ‘Tis here that troubled saints shall find, Joy, comfort, peace and rest; In all things see the will of God, For what He does is best.   So let us lean upon the Lord, Trusting His tender care; Rejoicing in His perfect will, And never more despair.


"If thou art in Christ, thou art beheld righteous in His righteousness; and, as thy Surety, what He wrought, and what He suffered, was for thee. So that, in this sense, thou art, as Christ tells the church, all fair, and there is no spot in thee. So that, amidst all thy groans for the remains of indwelling sin, (and groan thou dost daily), and as thou sometimes art prompted to think, there is growing imperfection in thee; yet, in Jesus, as thou art found and beheld in Him, sin is pardoned, and thy person accepted, and thou art in a state of justification before God in the righteousness of God thy Saviour.  And, as this is so essential to be known and enjoyed, see to it, my soul, that thou livest upon it. Go in the strength of Christ's righteousness every day to the throne, pleading that righteousness, and that only. And, under a perfect conviction that not a single sin of thine was left out when Jesus bore the sins of His people on the tree, beg for grace to exercise faith, an

CHRIST JESUS, Our Daily Bread

"Give us this day our daily bread." -Matthew 6:11 [KJV]    Happiness, that inestimable jewel, springs only from content. Christian content is founded in humility. The humble Christian lives upon the fulness of God. Thence he seeks all His supplies. Our Lord not only teaches His disciples the words of prayer, which any one may use, but also gives the Spirit of prayer, which is peculiar to disciples only. This consists, in knowing our wants. In seeking a supply of them from the Lord. Give us this day: just from hand to mouth: daily bread, all the blessings of providence and grace, needful for us, as men and Christians.  (1st.) Do we know our own wants? The sight and sense of these will make and keep us very low and humble in our own eyes; for we shall go out of ourselves, and live out of ourselves. Do we want daily bread to support our bodies? Have we no source of life in ourselves, but what must be fed and nourished from the food we receive from day to day? Just