
Showing posts from September 19, 2019

The Free Grace of God

I praise Thee Father, Lord of all, For grace so rich and free; That fixed itself on this poor soul, Back in eternity. O matchless, wondrous grace of God, That destined me to live; That chose to save me in Thy Son, And all my sins forgive. Sure never was a nobler theme, On which my heart could dwell; Than grace divine which saved my soul, From sin and death and hell. Behold the fullness of God’s grace, In Christ whose sacrifice, Brought in eternal righteousness, And paid my ransom price. Praise God for His revealing grace That brought me to believe, The gospel of redeeming grace, And Christ the Lord receive. The grace of God shall keep me till My life on earth is done; Then take me into paradise To dwell with God the Son. Tune to "THERE IS A FOUNTAIN" CM/DOUBLE , Words by JIM BYRD


" Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me ." - M ATTHEW 16:24 [KJV] To deny yourself is not refusing yourself something that you want, even if it is for the greater good. That is temperance or self control. Neither is the idea of giving up something you love as an effort to sacrifice for God, denying yourself. That is self-righteousness. To deny yourself has nothing to do with "things" at all, but rather, it has to do with you. It is to remove yourself from the equation in the accomplishment of a thing. It is to give all glory to God. It is to say with Paul. "Not I but Christ" ; with John, "He must increase and I must decrease" and with Jeremiah, "He that glorieth, let him glory in the LORD" . - Gospel report by preacher Tim James Sequoyah Sovereign Grace Baptist church of Cherokee, North Carolina USA Please find enclo...
"... t hat ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." - ROMANS 12:2 [KJV] The will of God is "good, perfect, and acceptable." How are we to prove personally and experimentally that it is all this? That good and perfect will runs counter, over and over again, to my natural inclinations, sets itself firmly against my fleshly desires. God's will calls for self-denial, but I want self gratification; it requires obedience, but my carnal mind is the essence of disobedience; it demands many sacrifices, but my coward flesh revolts from them; it bids me walk in the path of suffering, sorrow, and tribulation, but my fleshly mind shrinks back, and says, "No, I cannot tread in that path!" As long, then, as I am conformed to the world, I cannot see the path, for this worldly conformity has thrown a veil over my eyes; or if I do dimly and faintly see it, I am not willing or able to walk in it, because my carnal mind reb...

The Report of All Ages

“ Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?” -I SAIAH 53:1 [KJV]     THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST IS A REPORT , and full of glad tidings of good things; yet so very generally is it despised and scorned, that the question is here put, w ho hath believed it? Reader! when we con s ider who Christ is in H imself, and how essentially necessary H is sal v ation is to all men; it becomes a matter of wonder that all men, universally speaking, do not embrace it in transports of joy. But, on the other hand, when we consider how sunk and fallen our nature is, even to the total ignorance of our ruin, it becomes a matter of still greater wonder, that any should receive it. Nothing, indeed, but sovereign grace can accomplish it in the heart. It is the Lord, that must make His people willing in the day of His power [PSALM 110:3 ] . - Gospel report by preacher Robert Hawker (1753–1827 A.D.)