
Showing posts from August 30, 2024


  Upon the cross of Calvary, The Savior took my blame; He suffered untold grief and pain, To put away my shame. The wrath of God poured out on Him, While hanging on that tree; The condemnation for my sin, He bore it all for me.   ‘Twas in this way the Lord of all, Could justly make me whole; Forgive my sinfulness and guilt, And save my wretched soul. The blood of Christ poured out for me, My pardon has secured; For all the vengeance due my sin, The Lord Himself endured.   Who can condemn the sons of God, Since Christ for us has died? The Father sees our Substitute, And we are justified. Washed in His sin-atoning blood, The Savior’s Name we bless; Christ Jesus is our all in all, He is our Righteousness!

Though Weak in Thyself, Be Strong in The LORD

" I said in my haste, All men are liars." -Psalm 116:11 [KJV] We are prone to be too hasty in our censures of others, while the greatest fault lies at our own door. David here brands all men, with being liars, when he himself was the greatest liar of all, if we take the words in this sense. Here, he even charges Samuel the prophet of the Lord with a lie. For he had anointed him to be king, and assured him of the kingdom. But he spoke in haste, without due thought and deliberation— unadvisedly, under temptation, when he was off his guard, and fled from the rage of Saul.  Though some think, David rather uttered the bold language of confident faith. I said in my flight, that notwithstanding all the fury of Saul, and all the suggestions of my enemies to the contrary, “Let God be true, and every man a liar” (Romans 3:4.) The Lord will surely preserve me. I shall certainly be king. David was the subject, both of faith and unbelief: of a hasty spirit, which exalteth