
Showing posts from June 24, 2024

LORD JESUS Christ ~ Our Exceeding Great Reward

" For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." -I Timothy 6:10 [KJV] How hard to persuade a man, that there is any evil in that which he loves! Evil in money! what evil can there be in that which will purchase all things? Truly, we may say of money as one said of a pack of cards. Being asked, what harm there is in them? replied, None at all: they are very innocent things, if you will not meddle with them. So is money. But there is a curse in the love of it. There is the root of all evil. What mighty ills have not been done by this? Why, the love of money will dethrone God in the heart, and make a man an idolater. “Covetousness is idolatry” (Colossians 3:5.)   Can there in all the world be a greater evil than this? Is not this the root of all evil? Do not all evils spring from hence? Love of money was the same in the apostle’s days as it is now.