
Showing posts from March 3, 2025

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 03 March, 2025 A.D.

" Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God." -Philippians 1:11 [KJV] He, who does not see himself stript of righteousness, his eyes were never yet opened, nor his heart convinced of sin by the Spirit of God. He, who imagines that he possesses an inherent righteousness of his own, in which he can stand before God, and answer all the demands of His holy law, deceives his own soul. He, who seeks to be made righteous, to be justified in God’s sight, and to obtain a title to heaven, in any other way than the righteousness of Christ, rejects Christ, and disbelieves the Scripture . He, who does not delight in the fruits of righteousness, and desire to abound in them, and to be filled with them, is a stranger to our righteous Saviour, and destitute of the power of our most holy faith.  Mind, (1st.) “The fruits of righteousness.” Why do we not always speak in scripture phrases, and use words which the Holy ...

The Love of CHRIST JESUS Passes All Knowledge...

"That ye may be able to comprehend with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge." -Ephesians 3:18, 19 [KJV] Did Paul pray that the church might be thus blessed? So should all faithful pastors. And there is enough in Jesus to call up the everlasting contemplation of His people. All the dimensions of divine glory are in Jesus. Who, indeed, shall describe the extent of that love which passeth knowledge? But, my soul, pause over the account. What is the breadth of it? Jesus's death reaches in efficacy to all His seed—all His children: to thee, my soul; for thou art the seed of Jesus. And though that death took place at Jerusalem near two thousand years since, yet the efficacy of His blood, as from an high altar, as effectually washes away sin now, as in the moment it was shed. Remember, Jesus still wears the vesture dipped in blood. Remember, Jesus still appears as the Lamb sla...

The Divine Life of JESUS is Made Manifest to Saved Sinners

"For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh." -II Corinthians 4:11 [KJV] What is meant by the expression, "our mortal flesh?" It does not mean the carnal mind, but our earthly tabernacle; and the expression is similar to another in this chapter, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."   It is, then, in this poor body, compassed with infirmities, that the life of Jesus is made manifest. This divine life will often spring up in fervent breathings after God, in the actings of living faith, in the sweet intercourse the people of God have with one another, in reading the Scriptures, in the application of precious promises, and under the preached word. From time to time it bubbles up like a spring from its source. Sometimes indeed it runs underground, buried as it were under the load ...