
Showing posts from July 25, 2024

Trust in the LORD

“They that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou, L ORD , hast not forsaken them that seek Thee” (Psalm 9:10 KJV).   The better God is known the more He is trusted. Those who know Him to be a God of infinite wisdom will trust Him further than they can see Him (Job 35:14). Those who know Him to be a God of almighty power will trust Him when creature-confidence fails and they have nothing else to trust to (2 Chronicles 20:12).   Those who know Him to be a God of infinite grace and goodness will trust Him though He slay them (Job 13:15). Those who know Him to be a God of inviolable truth and faithfulness will rejoice in His word of promise and rest upon that, though the performance be deferred and intermediate providences seem to contradict it.  Those who know Him to be the Father of spirits and an everlasting Father, will trust Him with their souls as their main care and trust in Him at all times , even to the end. -preacher Matthew Henry

According to Almighty God's Mercy He saved us

"...not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us." -Titus 3:5 [KJV] “Shew us a miracle, and we will believe you are inspired,” say carnal men. We can, but they have no eyes to see it. Blessed be God, miracles are not ceased. The Lord works miracles of grace daily. Every regenerate sinner is a miracle of God the Father’s mercy, of God the Son’s grace, and of God the Holy Spirit’s power. His humble language proclaims it. I stand forth and declare, that I was a vile sinner, condemned by the law of God, and justly deserving the damnation of hell; yet full of the pride of my own works, and confident of salvation by my own righteousness; but God, by an act of sovereign mercy, has saved me from the power of sin, and a vain confident hope of my own righteousness.  “Not by works which we have done.” Our works are out of the question. For all boasting is excluded. Yet the notion of absolute mercy in God to any sinner, without r