
Showing posts from June 20, 2023


" Verily Thou art a God that hidest Thyself, O God of Israel the Saviour." — Isaiah 45:15 [KJV] Mourning under a sense of sin, and complaining of inbred corruptions, are consistent with faith in Jesus, and rejoicing in His salvation. Sorrowing under the painful sense of an absent God, has been the experience of saints in all ages; few, if any, have been exempt from it. And this is an evidence that they have felt His comforting presence, enjoyed the smiles of His love, and rejoiced in the light of His countenance. So the life and love of the soul is manifested. A Christian is known by his sorrows, as well as joys. He sorrows after a godly sort. But why should a God of love hide Himself from His dear children? We may say, He is a sovereign, and answer in the words of Elihu, Job 33:13 — "He giveth not account of any of His matters." But it is most sweet to say with David, "Continually let the L ORD be magnified, Who hath pleasure in the prosperity...

Latest "Storm Warning" Gospel message via YouTube

Hello dear brethren-in-Christ JESUS, "The LORD our righteousness!" Please find enclosed the most recent Gospel broadcast #7 on the 'American Vindicta' YouTube channel. See link below. Copy & Paste this linkey to your browser to listen in. The LORD JESUS Christ be magnified for ever and ever! With love, Sinner Saved, aka 'Billy'