
Showing posts from September 7, 2024

Praise The Name of JESUS

  Son of God, one of the Trinity, Came to earth, a wondrous mystery; He descended by divine decree. O praise His Name!  Chorus   Chorus:   Jesus saved His chosen family, Paid our debt of sin on Calvary; By His grace He saves eternally, O praise His Name.   On the cross He bore our misery, Died from sin to set His people free; By Himself He won the victory, O praise His Name!   Chorus   Now for us the Savior intercedes, Unto Him the Holy Spirit leads; Every blessing from His throne proceeds, O praise His Name!  Chorus   Soon will come the long-awaited day, Christ will come and take His bride away; Never from His blessed side to stray, We’ll praise His Name.   Chorus   Then together in a perfect place, All the ransomed shall behold His face; Evermore to sing amazing grace, And praise His Name!   Chorus       PRAISE THE NAME OF JESUS Tune: “At Calvary” w/chorus Words by Jim Byrd

The Sufficiency of Christ Alone

The events recorded in Acts ch. 15 reveal the issue that every succeeding generation has faced, and what every believer faces throughout his lifetime.  The sufficiency of Christ alone.   Satan attempted to call this into question in the early church, and he has and is attempting to do it now !  The men who came from Jerusalem taught the brethren that physical circumcision was necessary for salvation.  In other words, “Christ Alone” was not enough.  Paul and Barnabas had a heated argument with those who taught this.  It was determined that they would go to the apostles in Jerusalem about this issue.  Paul was not going there to see if he was mistaken about this issue, but to demonstrate that all of the apostles were at agreement with Him.    When they arrived, they gave the apostles this message. “There rose a certain sect of the Pharisees which believed, saying, that it was needful to circumcise them, and command them to keep the law of Moses.” We read of some disputing

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 07 September, 2024 A.D.

" Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest." -Luke 22:60 [KJV] No, Peter! Why he speaks plain enough. He is confident of thy person, knows thy voice, and the very brogue of thy tongue. He boldly affirms, “Of a truth thou wast with Jesus.” This is a downright lie, to say, “I know not what thou sayest.” Peter is ashamed of his Lord. Is he not ashamed of himself? Not yet. He lied horridly. Next, he cursed and swore bitterly.  Might we not expect to hear next, he was damned eternally? He deserved it. Was he here now, he would confess it from the very ground of his heart. But he is above, confessing his desert of damnation, and ascribing salvation to God and the Lamb. For, “the Lord turned and looked upon Peter.” O who can say, what there was in that turn, and that look! Lord, give us to feel some of the grace and power of it, that we may improve it.  Consider, (1st.) sin is sin, in God’s saints, as well as others. Yea, their sins exceed all others. Yes, and God