
Showing posts from June 29, 2024

One Perfect Offering

"By one offering, He hath perfected for ever them who are sanctified." -Hebrews 10:14 [KJV] We have two remarkable instances of St. Paul’s holy zeal for the glory of his Lord. (1st.) Against a gross sin in the church of Corinth. This brought a scandal upon the holy gospel of Christ. (2d.) Against a legal, self-righteous spirit, which obtained in the church of Galatia. This depreciated and dishonoured the finished work of Christ, and perverted the faith of His members. It is hard to say, whether St. Paul’s zeal exceeded most, in the former or the latter. Hence learn profaneness and pride, are equally contrary to the faith of the gospel.  As a holy faith brings Christ, and His salvation into the heart, it casts out the love of sin, as well as self-righteous hopes. Here is a glorious truth for precious faith to fix upon. O that through the Spirit, it may bring joy and peace to our souls. Consider, who are said to be “sanctified” here?  (1st.) Those who are separated