
Showing posts from September 10, 2024

Thought for the Day ~ 10 September, 2024 A.D.

" R edemption is the sinward aspect of the cross, reconciliation is the manward aspect of the cross, and propitiation is the Godward aspect of the cross, and that these three great doctrines combine to declare, as best any human terms are able, one divine undertaking." -Lewis Sperry Chafer , Systematic Theology , 3, pg. 191

Vexed with the Tempest Within ~ Look to the Calm Without

"Nevertheless, I am continually with Thee: Thou hast holden me by my right hand." ~Psalm 73.23 [KJV] All that went on before this particular verse emphasizes the largeness of this statement of faith by our brother David. You see, although we can and do act as foolish men and woman sometimes and walk in unbelief as well as just plain doubting the care of our great God, we can, through His pure and free grace, say ‘nevertheless’ as here.  We do care about how we live in this world and how we act before men, but the sole comfort and help in time of need is not our works or deeds or even our don’ts; it is the blessed union that we have with the Son of God. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. Even when Peter denied the Lord, He just looked at him and accomplished what no sermon would have done - no, not a hundred sermons could penetrate the heart and melt the soul as it did there.  You see, Christ will reign supreme in us and for us, or nothing at all

Joyful Truth to Miserable Sinners!

" By the obedience of One, ( or by ONE obedience ) shall many be made righteous." -Romans 5:19 [KJV] Joyful truth to miserable sinners. O that this word was ever upon our minds, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways, saith the L ORD ” (Isaiah 55:8.) Our thoughts are, to make ourselves righteous by our own obedience; and our ways are, to be justified before God by our own righteousness. But the Lord calls us to forsake these unrighteous thoughts, as well as wicked ways, and to submit by faith, to His thoughts and His ways, to be made righteous by the obedience of ONE.  Consider, (1st.) this negative implies that no obedience but ONE, can make any sinner righteous. O professor, what art thou seeking after, and striving to be and to do? What is the end of thy praying, reading, hearing, communicating, striving against sin, and seeking to excel in obedience, etc.? Is it to make thyself righteous? then it all proceeds from unbelief of thi