
Showing posts from September 22, 2024

DIVINE BLESSINGS – They Just Keep Coming

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ”   (Ephesians 1:3, KJV).    Rowland Hill was a gospel preacher in London, England in the mid 1800’s.  It is said that a kind and generous person in his congregation gave him a hundred pounds ($125.00 in US currency) to be distributed to a poor country preacher, a little at a time.  The pastor sent five pounds in an envelope with a short note to the needy preacher that simply read “More to follow.”  After a few days, he sent him five more pounds, again with a note which read “More to follow.”  In a few days’ time, the country preacher received another envelope containing another five pounds, with the same motto, “And more to follow.”  This continued till the entire amount had been received and the astonished preacher was well familiar with the cheerful words, “More to follow;” they were imprinted in his memory. Children of God, we read that

Let Us Believe God

“The wages of sin is death…and sin, when it is finished bringeth forth death.”   -Romans 6:23 & James 1:15 [KJV]             Satan will always try to hide the true price of sin.  When tempted, let us believe God.  Sin only has one end, Death. The blood bought child of God will never experience eternal death for their sin,  Christ bore that for them.  However, sin always brings with it a death sentence of one sort or another.  It brings the death of joy, comfort, peace and assurance. It often costs the death of relationships, even marriages. It can bring the death of one’s testimony. Some sins even cause the death of the physical body. One way or the other sin only has one end. Death. Satan is a liar. He always hides a hook in the bait of sin.                                                                              –preacher Greg Elmquist

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 22 September, 2024 A.D.

"If ye do these things, ye shall never fall." -II Peter 1:10 [KJV] What things? add to your faith every Christian grace and good work. If ye live in the exercise of grace, and the discharge of duty, ye shall never fall. But it is here plainly implied, if ye do not these things, ye certainly will fall. How fall? Into all manner of sin; yea, and into hell too, if the Lord Christ keep you not. But He most assuredly will keep all His sheep from thus falling. For He hath said, They shall never perish—I give unto them eternal life. But what evidence can any one have that he is Christ’s sheep, if he do not hear His voice, and obey His word?  My dear fellow-sinner, deceive not thy own soul. Beware of corrupt notions, and unscriptural ideas. It is most true, salvation is sure. Every one who believes in Christ shall most assuredly be saved. But surely there is such a thing, as living and walking close with Christ—cleaving to Him with full purpose of heart, cheerfully obey