
Showing posts from July 1, 2024


" I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." -Romans 1:16 [KJV] Says Mr. Bunyan, “Of all the men that I met with in my pilgrimage, Shame, I think, bears the wrong name. This boldfaced Shame would never have done. I could scarcely shake him out of my company. He would be continually haunting me, and whispering me in my ear. Indeed, this Shame is a bold villain” (excerpt from Pilgrim’s Progress .)   Have you not found the same? Lord, pardon Thy servant, that this shame still cleaves unto me. Lord, I am ashamed of myself, that I ever should be ashamed of Thee and Thy gospel. Lion of the tribe of Judah, drive away this shame from my heart.  Consider, (1st.) its origin. It is begotten by pride. We are proud of our good names, our characters, our reason, and understanding, among the men of the world. If we openly profess the gospel of Christ, and live and walk under the influence of it, we cannot do as the rest of the world does. Hence, we shall soon get a nick-name;