
Showing posts from June 8, 2024

Weekend Gospel MSG to follow for All Hands ~ 07 June, 2024 A.D.

" Unto Him Who hath loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood." -Revelation 1:5 [KJV] Paul denounces the most dreadful curse upon every one who loves not the Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 16:22.) Why does any sinner love Christ? Because he believes the love of Christ to sinners. See the awful curses of unbelief. It rejects the love of Christ: It sets at nought His salvation: It seals the sinner under the curse of his sins, the wrath due to his sins; and binds him over to eternal damnation for his sins. But the unawakened sinner smiles at all this: For he does not believe one word of it. Lord, leave not my soul under this sin of sins, of all sins the most heinous and cursed! O help my unbelief!  (1st.) See the preciousness of faith. It works by love; even by the love of Christ manifested to us. It receives and embraces His love to the heart: there it works peace in the conscience, delight in God, access to God, boldness before God, joy in God, f