"I am found of them that sought Me not." -Isaiah 65:1 [KJV]

Every display of the Saviour’s grace, is a jewel in His mediatorial crown. O what hearts have we, that we are not more humble before Him, more thankful to Him, and more joyful in Him! Jesus, help us Gentile sinners, to look back, to look within, to look up, and to look forward, to excite humility, thankfulness, and joy of heart. 

(1st.) Look back, O my soul. View thy natural state; lying dead asleep in the arms of the wicked one—dead to God—under the power of sin—in love with the world—blind to the charms of Christ, without a single desire after Him, or the least care for thy immortal soul. 

(2d.) Look within, dost thou find affection to Jesus, and desires after Him? Is it the language of thy heart, none but Christ—I look to none but Him—I expect salvation from Him, and Him only? O whence this mighty change? Say, did you first seek Christ, or Christ you? Did your desires first go out after Christ, or His desires towards you? O in the fervor of love, you must cry out, Pride, thou busy foe, avaunt! I must, I should have gone to hell, without a single desire of salvation by Jesus, if He had not sought me, and made Himself manifest to me. His grace was first in the work. 

Then, (3d.) Look up, give Jesus the whole and sole glory. O to think, when there was nothing in us to invite the loving Spirit down, but every thing to cause Him to loath us, and to leave us—yet, O matchless love, and sovereign grace! He shewed us Christ, drew us to Christ, and caused us to receive Christ. Rejoice, love, adore, and praise. Who can resist divine attraction? Who is proof against divine love? Who that loves, can love enough? 

(4th.) Look forward, soul! heaven is before you: Jesus stands ready to receive you: God the Father to embrace you: God the Son to glory in you: and God the Spirit to triumph over you. Glory shall complete what grace has begun. O study the grace and love of Jesus, that is our heaven below; to praise Him for it, will be our eternal employ above. But one thing remains, give God the glory of all this amazing grace. Study from day to day, and from hour to hour, to do it by the faith of your hearts, the words of your lips, and the obedience of your lives. 

No consideration whatever, can beat down your native pride— sink into genuine humility, animate with holy love to all cheerful obedience, like this, “God commended His love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” -Romans 5:8


Then since I have my Saviour found, 

And tasted of His love, 

I’ll tell poor sinners all around 

That they its pow’r may prove. 

The Spirit found me dead in sin, 

And led me unto Christ; 

I felt such precious pow’r within, 

I could not Him resist.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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