
Showing posts from May 30, 2024


"...and confessed they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth." -Hebrews 11:13 [KJV] O, ye worldly-minded professors, can ye read this without being ashamed and reproved? What will bring a man to this confession? Will sickness, and a near approach to death? O! no. Men return from the most dangerous illness, to greater love of the world, and more ardent pursuit after the things of it. Look at a dying worldling. See him, like a drowning man, clinching the faster what he has grasped for his hope and help. Men not only live fools, but die fools too.  Their senses beguile them: their reason befools them: they reject the plainest truths before them. Nothing will kill the love of a bewitching world in a deceitful heart, but the view of heaven by faith. No man will confess himself a stranger to the world, and a pilgrim on the earth, until he sees himself “a fellow-citizen with the saints, and of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19.) As we say, we will not quit a ce