
Showing posts from August 28, 2024

The Wednesday Word ~ 28 August, 2024 A.D.

  Jesus is Omniscient by D.G. Miles McKee Last time we discovered that Christ is Omnipotent (all powerful). Now we´ll consider that Christ is Omniscient.  That means He knows all things! We read in Revelation 5:6 of “--- a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes …” The seven eyes present a picture of the Lamb’s perfect Omniscience. This language corresponds directly with Zechariah 3:9 and 4:10, where we encounter God’s omniscience displayed by the seven eyes.  God knows everything; He is Omniscient! Let’s face it; if He didn’t know everything, He wouldn’t be much of a God!  He would be a limited sort of a fellow and certainly no one to whom we could bring our deepest concerns and questions.   However, it is of interest to note that the scriptures declare that it is Yahweh alone Who knows the hearts of men!  In 1 Kings 8:39 we read,  “For Thou, even Thou only, know the hearts of all the children of men .” Yahweh, because of His omniscience, knows all thing

The Lamb of God taketh away our sin!

" Worthy is the LAMB." -Revelation 5:12 [KJV] This the song, this the glory of angels and redeemed sinners heaven. To know, believe in, love, and follow this Lamb, constitutes our heaven upon earth. Sin is our hell. But this Lamb of God taketh away our sin. Then heaven is in our souls. O that ever we should be ashamed of this Lamb, Who is heaven’s wonder and heaven’s glory! Is not this thought of being ashamed of God’s Lamb, like a dagger to our heart? Lamb of God, have mercy upon us! Why is our dear Saviour called a Lamb?  (1st.) Because of His immaculate purity. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners: without a spot of sin, or stain of impurity.  (2d.) He was meek and inoffensive like a lamb. A lamb has no weapon of hostility. It never hurts any one. It cannot defend itself against assaults. It becomes an easy prey. All this Christ was in His life.  Therefore, (3d.) like a lamb, He was taken and slain. He was the very paschal Lamb, to take aw

Thought for the Day ~ 28 August, 2024 A.D.

"There are some things which He [ God ] cannot do ... He cannot commit iniquity, which is contrary to the purity and holiness of His nature; He cannot do an act of injustice to any of His creatures, that is contrary to His justice and righteousness; He cannot lie, that is contrary to His veracity and truth; He cannot deny Himself, for that is against His nature and perfections; and for the same reason He cannot forgive sin without a satisfaction, because so to do, does not agree with the perfections of His nature." -John Gill, A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity , p.477