
Showing posts from December 22, 2019


"And let the beauty of the L ORD our God be upon us: and establish T hou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish T hou it." -P SALM 90:17 [KJV] What is this beauty? "The beauty of the L ORD our God." It is, therefore, the beauty of the God-man; the comeliness, the holiness, the perfection, and glory that ever dwell in the Son of God. Now "days of affliction, and years of evil" have marred all creature comeliness. There was a time, perhaps, when we could take some pleasure and delight in what we were, or what we vainly fancied we should be. Our own righteousness had a beauty and comeliness to us; and our religion was amiable and pleasing in our own sight. But what has become of it? Marred, marred; effectually marred. By what? "Days of affliction, and years of evil." These have effectually ruined, defaced, and polluted all creature comeliness. In a word, we were once deeply in love with self; but self

What a Savior!

The good news from heaven to lost sinners, that glorious gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, is not a message of God's hopeful expectations to save, but of a salvation purposed and accomplished . It is not a message of Jesus Christ knocking at the door of the sinner's heart, hoping to gain an entrance, but of His determination and ability to give a new heart to whom He will. It is not a message of the Holy Spirit striving with the sinner's natural will, hoping to influence him to decide for Jesus, but of His purpose and ability to make sinners willing, causing them to flee to the Lord Jesus Christ ( s ee II T IMOTHY 1:9; P SALM 110:3; J OHN 17:2; I SAIAH 53:11) . "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call H is name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins" (M ATTHEW 1:21) . Just as sure as His name is JESUS, HE SHALL SAVE His people, ALL His people, from all their sins. What a Savior! - Gospel report by pre



The Knowledge of The Glory of God

"He hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ" -II C ORINTHIANS 4:6 [KJV] The knowledge of the glory of God we now see in the face of Jesus Christ is THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF HIS GRACE ; it is the glorious counsel and covenant mercies in Christ; it is that Gospel whereby He shows mercy to whom He will show mercy and is gracious to whom He will be gracious. The glory of God which He has revealed to our hearts is that righteous life and sin-offering which enables God to be just and justifier. This knowledge of the glory of God in Christ is not a mere head knowledge of fact and doctrines, but it is a life-giving, heart experience of the power, love, grace, and wisdom of God whereby we cry, "Father, Father." Christ has fully declared God, revealed Him, interpreted Him, and brought God out where He may be seen. Christ is the full revelation of the living God to which NO OTHER REVELATION SHA