
Showing posts from August 22, 2018

Tell it Like it Is

The Wednesday Word: Tell it Like it Is by D.G. Miles McKee The famous Irish scholar and wit, John Pentland Mahaffy, was once asked if he was a Christian. He replied, “Yes, but not offensively so.” Unfortunately, there are many professing believers who line up with his point of view. They don’t take their stand for the truth of the Word. They have let the world’s standards dictate what is right and wrong. They keep silent about the real Jesus. You see, there is an inate offence in the Christ of the Bible ( Romans 9:33 ; Galatians 5:11 ; 1 Peter 2:7-8 ). When we tell of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and the fact that there is no salvation outside of Him, people get offended. That’s just the way it is. Let’s get this straight. The Gospel is not the instruction manual of what we must do to be saved. No indeed! The Gospel is the story of that which has already been done to save us. The Gospel is not about a set of demands placed on us. Rather it is about the dem

Encouragement in the Storms

"Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of." - II Timothy 3:14 [KJV] Various hindran c es meet the child of God in his path heavenwards. And their tendency is such, that but for the grace of God, they would effectually succeed in driving him from the faith. When, then, he has to meet a head wind blowing right in his teeth, when the storm and hail beat roughly upon him, when the waves rise high and the stream runs strong, there seems no getting on; and he fears that he shall be like "the children of Ephraim, who, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle." And yet there is that grace  implanted in his heart, there is that faith which God the Spirit first created and still keeps alive in his soul, that though he may for a moment be driven aside, he yet never turns his back upon the truth; though retarded for a moment, his face is still Zionwards. I can say for myself, that all the trials I h