
Showing posts from July 2, 2024

The Pleading of Faith ~ Behold His Smiling Face

" Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow." -Psalm 51:7 [KJV] Here is majesty in misery: a king in penitence: a monarch of the earth at the footstool of mercy. David as a miserable sinner, polluted with the complicated crimes of adultery and murder, is here ascribing honour to the blood of the Lamb, by the pleading of faith. Had you now asked David, what he thought of the pleasures of sin?  He would have read the most affecting lecture on its exceeding sinfulness, and that almost insupportable distress, terror, and horror it brought upon his soul. Though invested with the government of a kingdom, yet he could not command away its terrors from his mind, its burden from his conscience, nor its pollution from his soul.  He now found the words of his son fully verified, “Whoso breaketh through a hedge, a serpent shall bite him” (Ecclesiastes 10:8.) He had broken through the hedge of God’s law, and that old serpent who tempted him, now stings and torments him. But w