
Showing posts from September 30, 2019


"But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.” -I John 1:7 [KJV] Is the apostle John saying here that our fellowship with God is based on our conduct of life? That all depends on what is meant by “if we walk in the light.” First, stop and think about it, could we as sinners ever have fellowship with the thrice holy God on the basis of our conduct here in this world? Is not sin ever present in us? Is not everything about us in ourselves yet polluted with sin? Absolutely! So what is it to “walk in the light?” I believe it is to walk by faith in Christ. To trust Christ alone as He is revealed in the light of the truth. It is to believe the gospel that reveals God in His grace and shows the one way He can meet sinners in mercy. I say that because it also says, “as H e is in the light.” Light is often used to describe truth, the truth as it is in Ch

The LORD Alone Shall Be Exalted

"The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the L ORD alone shall be exalted in that day ." -I SAIAH 2:11 [KJV]   How does the Lord humble? By discovering to man what he is; by opening up the depth of his fall; by making him feel what a vile and guilty wretch he is before the footstool of mercy; by breaking him to pieces; by slaughtering and laying him low; by making him abhor himself in dust and ashes. Was not that the way the Lord took with the saints of old? How did He humble Isaiah? Was it not by some discovery of His divine Majesty, to make him cry, "I am a man of unclean lips!" How did He humble Daniel? Was it not by manifesting Himself in His almighty purity, and turning his comeliness into corruption? How did He humble Hezekiah? By laying him upon a sick-bed, and laying his sins and iniquities with weight and power upon his conscience. None of these men produced humility in themselves. Ho


"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." -I J OHN 4:18 [KJV] That perfect love that casts out fear is not our love for one another or our love for God, but God's love for His elect. Perfect love is God's love. It is everlasting love [JEREMIAH 31:3 ] , free, unconditional love [ H OSEA 14:4 ] , electing love [ R OMANS 9:13-18 ] , predestinating love [ E PHESIANS 1:3-6 ] , redeeming love [ J OHN 3:16; R OMANS 5:6-8; I JOHN 3:16; 4:9-10 ] , immutable love [ M ALACHI 3:6 ] , and indestructible, unquenchable love [ S ONG OF SOLOMON 8:7 ] . If ever you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and are given the sweet assurance of God's perfect love for you in His darling Son, the knowledge of that love will cast out fear from your soul. No Fear in Love! I do not suggest that God's saints in this world live without fear, but I am saying that we should. And I