
Showing posts from November 7, 2019

Held up by God's everlasting arms

“ But we have this treasure in earthen vessels” - II CORINTHIANS 4:7 [KJV] Gold and silver, those precious metals, take no injury, receive no spot of corruption from the vessel in which they are contained; let them be buried in the damp earth, no tarnish or rust forms upon them. So spiritually, the grace of God in the heart, surrounded as it is with corruption, is not tarnished by it, the heavenly treasure is not contaminated, though lodged in an earthen vessel. Christ in the heart is not defiled by the inward workings of depravity, and by the base thoughts that strive perpetually against His grace, any more than the gold of the Bank of England is defiled by the dark and damp cellars in which it is stowed. And what a mercy it is, that our corruptions cannot tarnish the grace of God; that our unbelief cannot mix with, and adulterate the faith of God's elect; that our despondency cannot spoil and ruin a gospel hope; that our deadness, darkness, coldness, and rebellion ca...

Heaven and Hell

What is heaven? It is a never-ending day without a night for "the Lamb is the light thereof...there shall be no night there" [REVELATION 21:23, 25 ] . What is hell? It is a never-ending night without a day; all who die without Christ will be "cast into outer darkness" [MATTHEW 22:13 ] . They will be cut off "from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power" [II THESSALONIANS 1:9 ] . Heaven, then, is to be present with Christ forever and hell is to be without His presence forever. -Gospel report by preacher Jim Byrd Thirteenth Street Baptist church of Ashland, Kentucky USA Please find enclosed link to Audio Gospel Sermons & Contact Info:  


T HE O NLY W AY of access to God is through the risen Christ and based on the merits of His obedience unto death as Substitute and Surety of His people. The only way of access to Christ is by the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal Him in His glorious Person and finished work of redemption to make reconciliation for the sins of His people and to establish a righteousness that enables God to be just and Justifier of the ungodly. It is required of men to believe the Gospel, not as a condition they must meet to attain or maintain salvation, but as the God-ordained means to LAY HOLD OF CHRIST, Who by Himself has met all conditions for salvation by His substitutionary obedience unto death . God the Holy Spirit is the sovereign Agent in the new birth; the Gospel is the God-ordained instrument; and faith is the God-appointed and God-given means. Faith is the link to connect the soul to Christ in order that believing sinners might come to Him Who justifies the ungodl...