
Showing posts from October 19, 2022

The Wednesday Word ~ 19 October, 2022 A.D.

Jesus the Precious One: Part 1. by D.G. Miles McKee   When Peter penned the words: “ Unto you therefore which believe He is precious ” (1 Peter 2:7), he was writing to believers who were facing great persecution.  Despite the huge hostility they were encountering, these believers had a passion for Christ.  They understood there was nothing of greater value in this life than that of having Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.   Jesus is precious!   Now, to be precious means to be filled with immense value.  Indeed, when something is precious, it is often impossible to calculate its worth.  It’s sad to say, however, Jesus’ lovely name is nothing more than a swear word to many. To many He is not precious.   But notice how our text says that He is already precious to those who believe.  That is one of the reasons why I think that much of that which is portraying itself as authentic Christianity is actually missing the mark.  In lots of what is being presented as Christianity, the centre of att