
Showing posts from July 30, 2024

The great design of God

  It is one of the Lord's dealings with His beloved children, to make them feel . . . their weakness and His power; their pollution and His holiness; their nothingness and His all sufficiency. The more we are brought under the teachings of the Holy Spirit, the more we shall find the truth of this remark. It is the great design of God . . . to humble our naturally proud hearts, to bring down our naturally self righteous spirit, to root out our naturally idolatrous affections. -preacher Thomas Reade


" I have remembered Thy name, O L ORD , in the night." - Psalm 119:55 [KJV] Consider, (1st.) Hebrew names express the nature of the things to which they are applied. Whatever name the L ORD makes Himself known by to us, is expressive of His nature, and of His covenant love and grace to us. Hence there is no name so sweet to us sinners, as that which He hath assumed, the name JESUS: The Lord, the self-existing Jehovah, Jesus. All the glorious perfections of wisdom, love, and power, shine with the greatest lustre in that name: the great God, even our Saviour Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13.) All the attributes of Jehovah are magnified and glorified in that precious name.  (2d.) To remember the name of the Lord, is to meditate in faith, upon what He is to us, hath done for us, and hath promised to bestow upon us, as the Lord our Saviour. O what a wide field for meditation is here! But David remembered the Lord in the night. While others were sleeping, or doing worse, he