
Showing posts from October 11, 2024


HEALING BY THE STRIPES OF CHRIST   “By His stripes ye were healed” (1 Peter 2:24).    We must not think that by self-loathing, self-deprivation or self-humiliation we will be healed of the disease of sin.  The healing of our spiritual disease is to be found in the humiliation of Christ , not in ours; in His agonies , not ours; in His sufferings, not ours; in His death , not ours.   To look to, rely upon or trust in anything other than the crucified, buried, risen and exalted Redeemer is to set up a rival to Christ.  Do not beat-up on yourself over your sins thinking that God will be more pleased with you.  God is only pleased with His Son.  Look outside of sinful self to the successful Savior and His sacrifice for sin.  Spiritual healing is by the stripes of the Savior , not the stripes of the sinner.  -preacher Jim Byrd

Power from Almighty GOD to Become Sons of God

" But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God." -John 1:12 [KJV] Man lost paradise by receiving a gift from Satan: there is no way to regain it, but by receiving Christ, the gift of God. Am I one of the many, who have received Christ? This question is of eternal moment. If I have not, no matter what I profess, by what name I am called, what I think of myself, or others think concerning me; for I am certainly in a state of wrath, exposed to eternal damnation. What answer does conscience return to this important question? God may this night require my soul. I may be in eternity before the morning light.  Have I received Christ or not? What is it to receive Christ? Many precious souls are sadly perplexed and greatly distressed here. But why should they? St. John plainly tells us, to receive Christ, is to believe on His name, that He is the anointed Saviour of lost sinners. Do you receive this truth into your heart? Does your mind go

God's Operations in Saved Sinners Hearts

"We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren." -I John 3:14 [KJV] The Lord's people in their early days have a measure of heavenly love. Though perhaps they cannot say that Jesus is theirs; though they dare not declare they shall certainly go to heaven when they die; though they sometimes cannot even assert that the work of grace is really begun upon their souls; yet there is love manifested in them to God's word, God's people, God's servants, and God's truth.  There is in them, in their weakest and tenderest days, a separation from the world, a casting-in of their lot amongst the people of God, a going-out in the tenderness of their heart and affection towards them. We see this in Ruth: though she was a poor heathen idolatress, no sooner was her heart touched by the finger of God, than she clave to Naomi. Divine love can only spring from the teachings and operations of God upon the heart. Our "carnal m


"And the king said unto Esther at the banquet of wine, What is thy petition? and it shall be granted thee: and what is thy request? even to the half of the kingdom it shall be performed ." -Esther 5:6 [KJV] My soul, thou hast lately been at the banquet of wine indeed, even of the Redeemer's blood, which Jesus holds at His table; and didst thou not behold the numberless petitioners who attended there with thyself? Surely, if the Persian king made so generous an offer to Esther, to perform her petition, be it what it might, to the half of his kingdom; thy Jesus, thy heavenly King; with Whom are all the treasures, and the unsearchable riches of grace and glory, did not suffer a poor humble petitioner to go empty away.  Tell me, ye that attended there, did ye not find the King most gracious? How went the matter with you? I pray you tell me. Did the poor man find Jesus indeed rich; and did the trembling sinner, under the apprehensions of wrath, find himself deli