
Showing posts from July 27, 2024


" Saul answered, I am sore distressed, for the Philistines make war against me, and God is departed from me." -I Samuel 28:15 [KJV] A more awful speech is scarce to be found in the Bible. A more dreadful state a soul cannot be in, on this side of hell. To have potent enemies in battle array: to have the guilt of abominable sins staring one in the face: and to be sensible that the Lord is departed from one, how horrid to think of! O come here, and see the terrible effects of trifling with God, and disobeying His commands! For we read that the Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul—that God gave him another heart— that he was turned into another man—and that he prophesied (I Samuel 10:6.)  And yet, such was his dreadful conduct, as to bring upon himself such sore distress. How does he act under it? Does he humble himself, as heretofore before the Lord? No. But he adds this evil to all his abominations. He seeks to the witch of Endor: desires her to raise up Samuel to hi

Great Encouragement in CHRIST JESUS ~ 27 July, 2024 A.D.

" But ye have not so learned Christ." -Ephesians 4:20 [KJV] Believe, and live as you will. Love, and walk as you please. Will any say, this is fine licentious doctrine? We answer, such do not know, nor consider the power of faith, nor the influence of Christ’s love. They are strangers to His teaching. Christians are His scholars. Christ is our one Master. He graciously condescends to teach us. He kindly says, Learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart to instruct you (Matthew 11:29.) Our grand business is, to sit at His feet.  We have no just ideas of the sinfulness of sin, the vileness of our nature, nor the preciousness of His person, but what we learn of Him. Christian, what hast thou learned of Christ this day? If thou hast not learned somewhat of the heinous nature of sin, so as to abhor it, and of the preciousness of Christ’s person and salvation, so as to cleave to Him, verily, thou hast lost a day. Thou didst not so learn Christ. For this is His word