
Showing posts from September 21, 2024

Most Precious Truth for Guilty Sinners!

" The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth from all sin." -I John 1:7 [KJV] Most precious truth for guilty sinners! Lord, help us most deeply to consider what is implied in these words. See the exceeding sinfulness of sin. It has brought these dreadful evils upon us. Loss of God’s image. Obnoxiousness to His wrath. Rejection from His presence. For we are by sin totally unclean. The pollution of sin has brought the curse of God’s law upon us, armed His justice, shut His kingdom against us, and opened the gates of hell to us. The bitter cries and exquisite torments of the damned in hell, will eternally proclaim the malignancy of sin. The everlasting songs of the saints in glory, will for ever proclaim the praises of the Lamb, Who washed them from their sins in His own blood.  This proves the curse and defilement of sin. The blood of Jesus Christ, and that alone, cleanseth from all its deepest stains. O the infinite love of the Son of God, to shed His blood for g