
Showing posts from August 27, 2022


"The desire of our soul is to Thy Name, and to the remembrance of Thee." - Isaiah 26:8 [KJV]  How sweet and expressive is the phrase,  "The desire of our soul!"   How it seems to carry our feelings with it! How it seems to describe the longings and utterings of a soul into which God has breathed the spirit of grace and mercy! "The desire of our soul," —the breathing of our heart, the longing of our inmost being; the cry, the sigh, the panting of our new nature; the heavings, gaspings, lookings, longings, pantings, hungerings, thirstings, and ventings forth of the new man of grace— all  are expressed in those sweet and blessed words, "The desire of our soul!" And what a mercy it is, that there should ever be in us " the desire " of a living soul; that though the righteous dealings of God are painful and severe, running contrary to everything nature loves; yet that with all these, there should be dropped into the heart that mercy, love,