
Showing posts from August 27, 2024

Precious Savior, Friend of Sinners

  Precious Savior, friend of sinners We, as such, to Thee draw near Let Thy Spirit dwell within us With that love that casts out fear. Matchless Savior, let us know Thee As the Lord our Righteousness Cause our hearts to cleave unto Thee Come, and with Thy presence bless.   Open now Thy precious treasure Let Thy Word here freely flow Give to us a gracious measure ‘Tis Thyself we long to know. Come and claim us as Thy portion Let us all find rest in Thee Leave us not to empty notions We would find our hope in Thee!   Gospel Hymn, “Our Great Savior”  

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 27 August, 2024 A.D.

" Peter said unto Him, Lord, why cannot I follow Thee now? I will lay down my life for Thy sake." -John 13:37 [KJV] Peter seems now in a happy frame indeed. All is warmth of love and sunshine of joy. Ecstacies carry us out of ourselves. We forget what we are, where we are, what we are exposed to, and what may soon befall us. Like Peter on the mount, we are apt to speak without due consideration. We know not what we say. The fire of passion exceeds the bounds of solid judgment. “ Why cannot I follow Thee now? Let the way be strewed with ever so many difficulties—let ever so many dangers oppose, nothing is able to dismay or dishearten me. I have just now such fervent love to Thee, that I could face death in the most frightful form, and lay down my life with the greatest pleasure for Thy sake.”  Doubtless, Peter now thought himself perfect and free from all sin. What thinkest, O soul? Is Peter’s language becoming him or not? Is it not a noble and generous declarati

Thought for the Day ~ 27 August, 2024 A.D.

"It is certain, that for those who shall not be saved, salvation was not purchased, nor should it be offered to them, nor indeed to any.  ... Such for whom salvation is purchased ... to these, this salvation is not offered, but applied.  The Gospel is not an offer, but the power of God unto salvation , to these persons." -John Gill, The Cause of God in Truth , p.103