The Wednesday Word - 17 August, 2022 A.D.
The Perfect Christ and His Perfect Gospel. Part 1 by D .G. Miles McKee 2 Samuel 22:31: “ As for God, His way is perfect” Christ is perfect (Hebrews 5:9). As a result of this perfection, His work is also perfect (Hebrews 10:14). When, from the cross, He uttered that famous word, “Finished” (John 19:30), He declared that His redemptive work for us was perfect. What a joy to know that Christ’s redemptive work is finished and complete. As we have often noted, there is nothing in it that should be out of it, and nothing out of it that should be in it. Since Jesus is the perfect One without spot or wrinkle (1 Peter 1:18-19), everything that He touches is coloured with His perfection. He is the embodiment of ‘Sinless Perfection‘. That means believers are also sinlessly perfect … in Him. By faith, we now see the representative man standing between us and the Father. By faith, we see ourselves clothed in Christ’s perfection. We no ...