The Lamb of God taketh away our sin!

"Worthy is the LAMB." -Revelation 5:12 [KJV]

This the song, this the glory of angels and redeemed sinners heaven. To know, believe in, love, and follow this Lamb, constitutes our heaven upon earth. Sin is our hell. But this Lamb of God taketh away our sin. Then heaven is in our souls. O that ever we should be ashamed of this Lamb, Who is heaven’s wonder and heaven’s glory! Is not this thought of being ashamed of God’s Lamb, like a dagger to our heart? Lamb of God, have mercy upon us! Why is our dear Saviour called a Lamb? 

(1st.) Because of His immaculate purity. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners: without a spot of sin, or stain of impurity. 

(2d.) He was meek and inoffensive like a lamb. A lamb has no weapon of hostility. It never hurts any one. It cannot defend itself against assaults. It becomes an easy prey. All this Christ was in His life. 

Therefore, (3d.) like a lamb, He was taken and slain. He was the very paschal Lamb, to take away our sin, by His blood. 

(4th.) A slain lamb, is precious for food, and useful for clothing. So is Jesus. His flesh is meat indeed: His blood is drink indeed. His righteousness is the smiling of our souls. We live by feeding on His flesh and blood. We are justified in His righteousness. Our sins are washed away in His precious blood. Our souls are perfect before God, in His glorious righteousness. 

Can you say from your inmost soul, Worthy is the Lamb? Then you have the grace of heaven in your hearts. Proclaim it aloud, as they do in glory, with your lips; and shew it forth in your life. Study to walk worthy of the Lamb. Look at your sins. Humble yourself before the Lamb. Honour Him by believing, that He has atoned for them, and took them all away from before God, by His blood. Look at yourself as a sinner, whose nature is black as hell, and deformed as a devil. Glorify the Lamb, for redeeming you to God by His blood— presenting you before God in His righteousness, and making you one with God, by His grace. 

Look constantly on yourself, as a saved sinner, by the Lamb. Have nothing to do with any other name under heaven, for salvation from sin, death, and hell. Of all the faith of your heart, the love of your soul, and glory of your life, Worthy is the Lamb—And, O let it be the daily joy and rejoicing of your spirit, that you, a vile sinner, shall soon join the redeemed around His throne, incessantly and eternally to shout His praise, Who hath washed us from our sins in His own blood. 


O for an heart to love and praise 

The Lamb Who dy’d for sin, 

Who loves and keeps us all our days, 

And sanctifies within. 

More of Thy comforts shed abroad, 

O God the Holy Ghost! 

That we may love our dying Lord, 

And crucify each lust.


-preacher Wm. Mason (1724-1797 A.D.)


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