
Showing posts from October 8, 2019

Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, and To Day and For Ever!

"I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth." -I J OHN 2:21 [KJV] Have you ever noticed that the lies of all false religion always change? What they declared years ago is not the same now, their lie always has to change to fit the culture and times of the day. Not so with the truth of God, it is always the same, never needs to be updated, improved or changed. What was true two thousand years ago is still true today. “ Salvation is of the L ORD” [JONAH 2:9c] ! The Lord our God does not change [MALACHI 3:6 ] and His truth does not need to change. The Lord our God is the keeper of truth [PSALM 146:6 ] . It is the truth of the Word of God, and the Word of truth that sets sinners free [JOHN 8:32-36 ] . The lies and falsehood of men will never set sinners free because it is only the lie of the devil [JOHN 8:44 ] . God does not use the lies of men and the devil to teach us the truth! ...

Great is our Lord's Faithfulness - His Mercy Endures for Ever!

“ In the name of Jesus we carry on all our transactions with God and obtain all that we need by simply, sincerely, using His Name as our plea! The things that He did not do were laid to His charge, and He was treated by God as if He had actually done them all! The things that He did do are imputed to us and put to our account, and we are treated by God as if we had done them all!” - Gospel report by preacher Horatius Bonar (1808–1889 A.D.)
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" - JEREMIAH 17:9 [KJV] The sin of our fallen nature is a very mysterious thing. We read of the mystery of iniquity as well as of the mystery of godliness; and the former has lengths, depths, and breadths as well as the latter; depths which no human plumbline ever fathomed, and lengths which no mortal measuring line ever yet meted out. Thus the way in which sin sometimes seems to sleep, and at other times to awake up with renewed strength, its active, irritable, impatient, restless nature, the many shapes and colours it wears, the filthy holes and puddles in which it grovels, the corners into which it creeps, its deceitfulness, hypocrisy, craft, plausibility, intense selfishness, utter recklessness, desperate madness, and insatiable greediness are secrets, painful secrets, only learnt by bitter experience. In the spiritual knowledge of these two mysteries, the mystery of sin and...

Doctrinal Error

All doctrinal error can be traced to a twofold ignorance: [1] not knowing who God is and what His attributes are and [2] not knowing what happened in the fall and the devastating effect it had upon all men. It is in the Word of God that we find the Lord identifying Himself, and it is in this same book that the Lord describes all mankind as being spiritually dead sinners. If we have shallow thoughts about God and His holy character, then we will have shallow thoughts about our depravity and guilt. If we do not have some understanding of the perfections of God, then we will have wrong thoughts about our own sinfulness and corruption. If we do not perceive God to be holy and just, we will consequently have wrong views about the way He saves sinners. Holding unscriptural beliefs concerning God and sinful self always leads to wrong conclusions about salvation. It is only in the light of God’s holiness that we see and know what sin is and it is only in the Book of God th...