
Showing posts from June 7, 2020

The Lord Jesus Christ -Justifies, Sanctifies & Eternally Saves His People

“ A GRAIN OF SAVING FAITH is better than a ton of gold, for it secures an inheritance in all the unsearchable riches of Christ, of grace, and of glory! It justifies, sanctifies, and eternally saves! Learn to think less and less of the wealth of this world, and more and more of the unsearchable riches of Christ! Lower the estimate which pride and vanity form of the importance of worldly distinctions. How dim, how worthless, does everything earthly appear when seen in the sunlight of the cross! It is by losing sight of Jesus, by living so far from Him, by forgetting Him--that we let the world get so much the upper hand of us. We must meditate more upon the cross. We must dwell more upon Calvary. We must be more familiar with the crucified One.” - Gospel report by John Angell James (1785 – 1859 A.D.)

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ unto Salvation!

"Ye believe in God, BELIEVE ALSO IN ME ." -J OHN 14:1 [KJV] To believe in God is to believe in Him as He has manifested Himself in His dear Son in all the fulness of His love, in all the riches of His grace, and in all the depth of His mercy. God must be seen, not in the terrors of a holy law, but in the mercy and truth of the glorious gospel of the Son of God, and thus be approached and believed in as the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our Father in Him. How few see and realise this, and yet how sorely exercised are many of the living family upon this point! To believe in God in such a way as to bring pardon and peace into their conscience; to believe in God so as to find manifest acceptance with Him; to believe in God so as to call him Abba, Father , and feel that the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are His children; to believe in God so as to find Him a very present help in trouble; to receive answers to prayer, to walk