
Showing posts from July 6, 2024

Be Diligent

" Give diligence to make your calling and election sure." -II Peter 1:10 [KJV] Without election there had been no Saviour given: no salvation wrought out: no promises made: no Spirit sent: no sinners effectually called to be saints: no love from God to comfort them; nor any heaven open to receive them. O how do poor sinners fight against their own mercies, when they call in question and reject the electing love of God.  But, says one, I tremble to think, if I should not be one of the elect, what a dreadful thing would that be? Not at all more dreadful, but just the same, as if there had been no election. But what kind of argument is this, against any truth? Suppose a profane sinner says, if there is a hell, and I should be one of the damned, what a dreadful thing would that be? What does this prove? People are apt to stand in nature and self, and judge of the truths of God. Hence they have hard thoughts of a God of love.  Behold, I shew unto you a more excellent ...