
Showing posts from March 20, 2023


" Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by Thy name, O L ORD God of hosts." —Jeremiah 15:16 [KJV] That is a sweet petition in the service of the church of England; 'Grant, O Lord, that we may not only hear, read, mark, and learn, but inwardly digest the holy scriptures.' As soon as the Lord hath fulfilled this prayer upon any poor sinner, then Jesus is the hope of his soul; he esteems the scriptures as his daily food, the doctrines of grace are the joy and rejoicing of his heart; and he will love and attend such prophets of the Lord, who have also "found God's words and have eat them." Glory to our loving shepherd, He finds His sheep scattered and starving upon the barren mountains, He leads them to green pastures of gospel-grace and love: there they feed and lie down beside the still waters of peace and salvation. And this heightens every comfort, and imp