
Showing posts from March 7, 2025

Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 07 March, 2025 A.D.

" O visit me with Thy salvation." -Psalm 106:4 [KJV] There is no good obtained by paying trifling visits, and receiving trifling visitors. The soul that is alive to God, will refrain from such an impertinent way of sacrificing its time. “Christ hath redeemed us from our vain conversation , ” (I Peter 1:18.) Our grand business is, to be looking at, glorying in, and talking of His righteousness, and His salvation all the day long. This was David’s practice. If we followed it more, we too should say with him, “My lips shall greatly rejoice, and my soul which Thou hast redeemed , ” (Psalm 71:23.) As our joy in Jesus increases, carnal, impertinent acquaintance will forsake us. Here is the cry of a convinced sinner, of a truly gracious heart, O visit me with Thy salvation . This is a blessed frame of soul. Lord help us to consider it, and animate us to live to Thee. Here is spiritual sight, and spiritual feeling. What is a Christian without these? Truly sunk into a...

Thought for the Day ~ 07 March, 2025 A.D.

No thanks to the Roman Catholic church it was against the law for anyone but the priests to possess a copy of the Scriptures, especially so during the time of the 13-15 th centuries. In order for the word of God to come into the English language, there was a lot of work done by a number of great men during that time.  These men risked their very lives to put the word of God into the English language and into the hands of the common people.   In 1380 A.D., John Wycliffe was among the first try to bring the Latin version of the Bible into English.  He was greatly influenced by the Lollard Anabaptists, and might have been a Lollard himself.   Another man of note is William Tyndale.  In 1534 A.D., he is of the first to bring a translation of the Bible from the original languages , Hebrew and Greek .  He was a Lollard Anabaptist.  As much as 5/6ths to 9/10ths of the KJV Bible is attributed directly to him. And there were other g...

Everlasting Exemption from All Want

"They shall hunger no more." -Revelation 7:16 [KJV] My soul! contemplate for a moment, before thou enterest upon the concerns of time and sense, in the claims of the world, the blessed state of the redeemed above. They are at the fountain-head of happiness, in their station, in their service, in their society, in their provision, in their everlasting exemption from all want, and above all, in the presence of God and the Lamb. "They shall hunger no more." Sweet thought! Let me this day anticipate as many of the blessed properties of it as my present state in Jesus will admit. If Jesus be my home, my residence, my dwelling-place, will not the hungerings of my soul find supply? Yes, surely. A life of faith on the Son of God, is a satisfying life, under all the changes of the world around. Finding Jesus, I find sustenance in Him, and therefore do not hunger for ought besides Him. "Thou art my hiding-place , " said one of old; and my soul finds ...

Mount Zion ~ The City of the Great King

"Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King." -Psalm 48:2 [KJV] We have sometimes thought that the reason why Zion typically represents the royal throne of Jesus is by many not well understood. Mount Zion literally was a steep hill of Jerusalem, so steep and inaccessible that for generations after the children of Israel had gained possession of the land, it still remained, like a little Gibraltar, in the hands of the Jebusites, the original inhabitants of the place. "As for the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the children of Judah could not drive them out; but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem unto this day" (Joshua 15:63). But when David was anointed king over Israel, and had reigned at Hebron seven years and six months, he cast his eyes toward Jerusalem, as a preferable metropolis, and a more suitable seat of his extended empire. But as ...