Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 07 March, 2025 A.D.
" O visit me with Thy salvation." -Psalm 106:4 [KJV] There is no good obtained by paying trifling visits, and receiving trifling visitors. The soul that is alive to God, will refrain from such an impertinent way of sacrificing its time. “Christ hath redeemed us from our vain conversation , ” (I Peter 1:18.) Our grand business is, to be looking at, glorying in, and talking of His righteousness, and His salvation all the day long. This was David’s practice. If we followed it more, we too should say with him, “My lips shall greatly rejoice, and my soul which Thou hast redeemed , ” (Psalm 71:23.) As our joy in Jesus increases, carnal, impertinent acquaintance will forsake us. Here is the cry of a convinced sinner, of a truly gracious heart, O visit me with Thy salvation . This is a blessed frame of soul. Lord help us to consider it, and animate us to live to Thee. Here is spiritual sight, and spiritual feeling. What is a Christian without these? Truly sunk into a...