
Showing posts from December 10, 2020

Flee to Christ JESUS, "The LORD our righteousness!"

Think about this. Where shall you find a rock on which you may build a happiness that will stand the shock in that dreadful day of God’s righteous judgment? Anything and everything else besides Christ is sliding sand, yielding air, and a breaking bubble! In that dread day wealth will prove to be a vain shadow, honor will prove to be an empty breath, pleasure will prove to be a delusive dream, your own righteousness will prove to be a spider's web! If we rely on these, disappointment and doom are inevitable! Nothing but Christ, NOTHING BUT CHRIST, can stably support us in that dread day! “He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved” (Psalm 62:2) . His righteousness is infinitely perfect, equal to the highest demands of the divine law, and therefore a firm, immovable ground of trust. We may safely venture the weight of our eternal all upon this rock! It will stand forever, without giving way under the heaviest pressure, without being broke


"That they all may be one, as T hou, Father, art in M e, and I in T hee, that they also may be one in U s: that the world may believe that T hou hast sent M e." -John 17:21 [KJV] The apostle declares, "He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit" ( I Cor inthians 6:17) . If, then, we are joined to the Lord, in other words, have a union with Him, this is the closest of all unions. A man and his wife are one flesh, but Jesus and the saint are one spirit. If possessed of this we are one spirit with Him; we understand what He says; we have the mind of Christ; we love what He loves, and hate what He hates. But out of this spiritual union flows communion with Him, intercourse with Him, communications from Him, and the whole of that divine work upon the heart whereby the two spirits become one.   The Spirit of Christ in His glorious Person and the Spirit of Christ in a believing heart meet together, and meeting together as two drops of rain running down a pane of