
Showing posts from September 11, 2024


“Who is among you that feareth the L ORD , that obeyeth the voice of His servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the L ORD , and stay upon His God.” -Isaiah 50:10 [KJV]   -------O-------   PRAISE TO JESUS   Tune: “Take My Life…”   77.77.    Words by Jim Byrd   To the Savior, reigning King, Honors to His Name we bring; What a kind and gracious Friend, May His praises never end, May His praises never end.   Not to us, to Jesus be, Glory, strength and majesty; Let His people now arise, Praise the Lord of earth and skies, Praise the Lord of earth and skies.   With His blood our debt He paid, Full atonement Jesus made; For His death upon the cross, Saved us from eternal loss, Saved us from eternal loss.   Evermore Christ reigns above, Author of redeeming love; There He sits upon His throne, In a glory all His Own, In a glory all His Own.

The Wednesday Word ~ 11 September, 2024 A.D.

A Powerful “I will” from the Master by D.G. Miles McKee I hate it when people´s “I will,” doesn´t amount to, as they say in Texas, ‘a hill of beans.’  Unfortunately, some people often say “I will” when they privately mean “I won´t.” But when it comes to the “I wills” of Jesus, if we studied them, would see that everything He promised to do, He did, does and will do. We can trust Him on that.  Take for example the “I Will” of Salvation. In John 6:37 Jesus says:  “All that the Father gives to Me come to Me and he that comes to Me  I will   in no wise cast out. ” Literally, I will never, never cast out. We are the Father´s gift to the Lord Jesus and He will never cast us out.  Do you trust this promise He has made to you? To come to Jesus means to trust Him for salvation.  Unfortunately, there are those who think they are too unworthy to come to Him. If this is how you think, I would remind you that Christ came to save, not good people, but sinners like you and me; people who

Great Encouragement in Christ JESUS ~ 11 September, 2024 A.D.

" Behold, this dreamer cometh." -Genesis 37:19 [KJV]  St. James says, “The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy,” (4:5.) This is fully manifest in the conduct of Joseph’s brethren against him. Joseph seemed open hearted, simple, and without guile. If he had not told his dreams, he had not raised his brethren’s envy. But the Lord’s hand was in it: no thanks to them. Their cruelty to Joseph, raised him to the greatest eminence, and saved them from death by famine.  Thus the Lord brings good out of evil. Methinks I see young Joseph coming towards his brethren, and they looking upon him with an air of the greatest contempt and derision, saying, “Behold, this dreamer cometh!” There, that’s he, that we are all to bow down to, worship, and serve. Look at this mighty dreamer of foolish dreams. St. Paul, in enumerating the sufferings of the faithful, says, “Others had trials of cruel mockings” (Hebrews 11:36.) Samson by the Philistines; Elisha by the children