
Showing posts from August 18, 2024

The Secret of the LORD is with them who fear Him

" But the lad knew not any thing: only Jonathan and David knew the matter." -I Samuel 20:39 [KJV] Had any one asked this lad, what Jonathan was doing in the field? he would doubtless have replied, only shooting arrows for his amusement, and I ran and brought them to him. But, O! there was a much greater matter here: no less than the precious life of David was at stake. Love directed these arrows: the voice of love proclaimed by them, David’s danger, or his safety. The fatal word, Is not the arrow beyond thee? reminds David of his danger, and warns him to flee for his life.  Observe, (1st.) Never did more generous, faithful love dwell in a mere human breast, than in Jonathan’s to David. But it diminishes, like the light of the stars when the sun appears, compared to that infinitely greater, and more intense love, which dwells in the heart of our spiritual Jonathan, i.e., the gift of the Lord: this Jesus is to all His Davids, i.e., beloved ones.  (2d.) There was a