
Showing posts from September 28, 2024

The Obedience & Righteousness of Christ's Life for Us

" If Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is life because of righteousness." -Romans 8:10 [KJV] St. Paul was an experimental teacher. He applies himself to the heart. He appeals to the conscience. He aims to quicken and animate the soul, and to draw out the affections to Christ, from what it had inwardly experienced of divine grace. O Christians, let this be your study when you meet and talk together. Yea, often do as David did. Converse freely with your own soul.  If Christ be in you. That is, if He dwell in your heart by faith. If you have an inward approbation of Him, delight in Him, and love to Him in your heart: if you believe in Him as the Son of God, anointed by the Holy Ghost, to be the only Redeemer, Justifier, and Saviour of perishing sinners— what then? I will tell you, says the apostle, what will be the experience of your heart.  (1st.) “The body is dead because of sin.” You will find, and groan under the weight of a dea