
Showing posts from September 19, 2024

Look to Christ, Not Your Obedience

Those who profess to believe on Christ but who do not seek to follow the Lord and seek to honor Him in their lives have an empty and worthless profession. Christ said, “If ye love Me, keep My commandments.” A sinner who has been regenerated by the Holy Spirit and brought to genuine faith in the Son of God will endeavor to “adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things” (Titus 2:10) .   Though we know we are sinful in ourselves, yet we do seek to glorify the Lord as we go about our daily activities. However, we must never look to our obedience (which is imperfect at best), in any measure, as the means of acceptance with God. Those who seek God’s approval by any other way than the blood and righteousness of Christ will someday learn they made a fatal mistake.    —preacher Jim Byrd

Peace Unto God's People

“I will hear what God the L ORD will speak: for He will speak peace unto His people, and to His saints: but let them not turn again to folly.” -Psalm 85:8 [KJV]  Our only hope for salvation is to “hear what God the L ORD will speak” from His Word as He leads us (sinners) to the Lord Jesus Christ for all salvation and all eternal blessedness. God “will speak peace unto HIS people, and to HIS saints.” This describes God’s people whom He chose to save in and by Christ before the foundation of the world. He sends forth the Holy Spirit to bring them to the true Gospel and reveals to and in them the only way of peace (reconciliation) with Him by the righteousness of Christ imputed to them (Romans 1:16-17; II Corinthians 5:19-21).  This peace is the assurance of salvation that can only be found in Christ – the glory of His Person as God manifest in the flesh, the spotless Lamb Who is Surety, Substitute, Redeemer, Preserver, and Protector of His people for whom He obeyed unto death and ro


" With clouds He covereth the light, and commandeth it not to shine, by the cloud that cometh betwixt." -Job 36:32 [KJV] The sun, from its first formation by its almighty Creator, shines at all times alike. There never was, is, or ever can be, any addition to, or diminution from, its light and heat. But we perceive a sensible difference. Even the intervention of a cloud coming between us and the sun, hides and obscures the glorious rays of light from us. There are fixed laws in creation. All nature acts under the direction of those laws, prescribed by our all-wise Lord.  As in nature, so in grace. As by the natural sun, so it is by the Sun of Righteousness : it shines with an equal degree of resplendent glory, of light, love, and grace at all times. But, we are not always alike sensible of it. Why not? As clouds and vapours arise from the earth, and interrupt the light of the natural sun, by coming between that and us; just so, the clouds of sin, the vapours of