" For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth." -Psalm 74:12 [ KJ V] These days men speak constantly of liberty, democracy and freedom. They exalt self-rule, independence and individual rights. However, God’s believing elect rejoice that they were made willing in the day of His power to behold Jesus Christ as their God and King (Psalm 110:3). Now we gladly bow before Him, submit to His Kingship and behold the King in His beauty! More than a king He is, for He is the King of kings! He is the King of kings who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high, rules over all and all things exercising His sovereignty in every quarter. As this glorious sovereign He has mercy upon whom He will have mercy and is gracious to whom He would be gracious. He declares in the positive, “ I will have mercy…” and “ none can stay His hand or say unto Him what doest Thou?” Have you the eye of faith to behold this King in His beauty? His is the beauty of holine...