
Showing posts from October 12, 2020


  " For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth." -Psalm 74:12 [ KJ V] These days men speak constantly of liberty, democracy and freedom. They exalt self-rule, independence and individual rights. However, God’s believing elect rejoice that they were made willing in the day of His power to behold Jesus Christ as their God and King (Psalm 110:3). Now we gladly bow before Him, submit to His Kingship and behold the King in His beauty! More than a king He is, for He is the King of kings! He is the King of kings who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high, rules over all and all things exercising His sovereignty in every quarter. As this glorious sovereign He has mercy upon whom He will have mercy and is gracious to whom He would be gracious. He declares in the positive, “ I will have mercy…” and “ none can stay His hand or say unto Him what doest Thou?” Have you the eye of faith to behold this King in His beauty? His is the beauty of holine...

Chrst Jesus: King of kings!

" For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth." -Psalm 74:12 [ KJ V] These days men speak constantly of liberty, democracy and freedom. They exalt self-rule, independence and individual rights. However, God’s believing elect rejoice that they were made willing in the day of His power to behold Jesus Christ as their God and King (Psalm 110:3). Now we gladly bow before Him, submit to His Kingship and behold the King in His beauty! More than a king He is, for He is the King of kings! He is the King of kings who sits at the right hand of the Majesty on high, rules over all and all things exercising His sovereignty in every quarter. As this glorious sovereign He has mercy upon whom He will have mercy and is gracious to whom He would be gracious. He declares in the positive, “ I will have mercy…” and “ none can stay His hand or say unto Him what doest Thou?” Have you the eye of faith to behold this King in His beauty? His is the beauty of holiness...

Everlasting Righteousness!

“ In the LORD have I righteousness and strength” - Isa iah 45:24 [KJV] To trust in our own righteousness, and to glory in our own strength, is natural to us all. But when a poor sinner "knows himself, even as he is known of the LORD," he thinks otherwise. When he becomes a follower of the Lamb, he learns the language of Canaan, and says, "I have no confidence in the flesh." I subscribe with my whole heart to this confession of faith, "In the LORD have I righteousness and strength." That the LORD Jehovah is a God of righteousness, and that He is almighty in strength, who will dare deny? But by faith we speak the most comfortable knowledge of covenant grace: I, a poor sinner, who am without strength, destitute of righteousness in myself, have both strength and righteousness in Jehovah. What I am, a sinner by nature and practice, that Jesus became by imputation. What Jesus is in His nature, and by His life, perfectly RIGHTEOUS, that I am in Him. In myse...


"But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation." - I Thessalonians 5:8 [KJV] Sobriety in religion is a blessed gift and grace. In our most holy faith there is no room for lightness. The things which concern our peace are solemn, weighty matters, and if they lie with any degree of weight and power on our spirit, they will subdue that levity which is the very breath of the carnal mind.   But sobriety implies not merely the absence of all unbecoming levity in speech and conduct, but the absence also of all wild, visionary imaginations in the things of God. It denotes, therefore, that "spirit of a sound mind" which the Apostle says is the gift of God. Vital godliness, it is true, has its mysteries, its revelations and manifestations, its spiritual and supernatural discoveries and operations; but all these come through the word of truth, which is simple, weighty and solid, and as far ...