
Showing posts from August 17, 2024


" And He said unto them, Why are ye troubled? And why do thoughts arise in your hearts?" -Luke 24:38 [KJV] Help, O help us, Thou dear Lord, Who spake these words to Thy affrighted disciples, to gather some sweet consolation from them to our hearts this night. We know Thou prayest for us, when Thou prayest for all who should believe on Thee. (John 17:20.) O speak in life and power these words to our troubled hearts, and for the rising thoughts of distress. Thine is the power: Thine shall be the glory.  (1st.) We here see, though their dear Lord was present, yet his beloved disciples were troubled. Yea, and though he had but that moment pronounced peace unto you, yet fears again rose in their hearts. They were as we are, flesh, as well as spirit: men of like passions with us. The frights, fears and troubles which nature is subject to, discompose the spiritual frames of disciples.  But, (2d.) They do not alter our state, nor separate us from the love of Christ. Th