
Showing posts from June 11, 2024

God's Peculiar people are Wondered At

" Hear now, O Joshua, the high-priest, thou, and thy fellows who sit before thee: For they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth My Servant, the BRANCH ." -Zechariah 3:8 [KJV] Say, Christian soldier, did the Captain of thy salvation ever deceive thee? Did He not tell thee, before thou listed under His banner, who were His enemies, and what treatment thou wast to expect from them. His word speaks full and express on this point. Almost every page furnishes accounts, how the men of this world look upon the children of God. Here is Joshua the high-priest, with the prophets and people of God, wondered at. Jehovah Himself takes notice of it, and acquaints them with it. Sweet to observe, there cannot be a disdainful frown, a contemptuous sneer, nor a reproachful word cast upon God’s people, but He notices all.  But why are we so much wondered at? Why truly, we are a set of visionaries. We see invisible objects; walk by faith; and have our conversation