
Showing posts from April 30, 2020


If my security in Christ and my final entrance into glory were dependent in any way on my works, before or after conversion, I would have no security. But, blessed truth, salvation is not in ANY way dependent on my works. Christ is my security and He alone will be the cause of my entrance into glory. There are three things that cause the security of my salvation and final entrance into glory: 1). The sovereignty of God . If He loves me now, it is because He always loved me, nothing in me caused His love. He loved me simply because He would. And if He loves me now, He will never cease to love me. "I am the LORD, I change not, therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." 2). The blood of Christ . On Calvary's tree, when the sins of God's elect were placed upon Christ, He literally put them away [HEBREWS 9:26 ] . Because of the blood of Christ, I have no sins to give account of. If Christ paid my debt, it is paid! God's law and justice have been satisfi

Teach me Thy ways, O LORD

"Lead me in T hy truth, and teach me." -P SALM 25:5 [KJV] What wonderful things does God sometimes shew us in His word! How our eyes sometimes seem to be anointed with eye-salve to behold wondrous things out of God's law [ P SALM 119:18 ] ! Sometimes in reading a chapter we see such beauty, such fulness, such sweetness, such glory in it, that it seems, as it were, to fill our very hearts. And what our souls want (I am sure my soul wants it, and it is my frequent cry to the Lord in secret that I may feel it) is to have this blessed truth taken out of the word of God, and applied to and sealed upon our hearts by the Spirit of God. I want no new revelation. Day by day I seem more satisfied of this, and more established in it—that all saving truth is in the word of God. I seek no visions, I desire no dreams, I want no airy speculations; but when my heart is brought to lie at the footstool of mercy, this seems to be the panting and breathing of my sou