The Wednesday Word ~ 28 August, 2024 A.D.

 Jesus is Omniscient

by D.G. Miles McKee

Last time we discovered that Christ is Omnipotent (all powerful). Now we´ll consider that Christ is Omniscient. That means He knows all things!

We read in Revelation 5:6 of “---a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes …”

The seven eyes present a picture of the Lamb’s perfect Omniscience. This language corresponds directly with Zechariah 3:9 and 4:10, where we encounter God’s omniscience displayed by the seven eyes.  God knows everything; He is Omniscient! Let’s face it; if He didn’t know everything, He wouldn’t be much of a God!  He would be a limited sort of a fellow and certainly no one to whom we could bring our deepest concerns and questions.  

However, it is of interest to note that the scriptures declare that it is Yahweh alone Who knows the hearts of men!  In 1 Kings 8:39 we read, “For Thou, even Thou only, know the hearts of all the children of men.” Yahweh, because of His omniscience, knows all things.  He knows all men and knows and sees all that lurks in our hearts. John Gill puts it well when He says,

“Omniscience belongs only to God; it is His prerogative to know the heart and search the reins.” -Gills Commentaries: 1 Kings ch. 8.

Yahweh knows all that goes on in the hearts of man. Sarah laughed inwardly when she overheard that she was to have a child but Yahweh heard her all the same.  He misses nothing and sees everything! It is Yahweh Who searches the hearts of men yet in Revelation 2:23 we discover that it is Jesus Who is the searcher of the innermost thoughts and purposes of the heart.  In that verse Jesus says, “I am He which searches the reins and hearts: This is almost Jeremiah 17:10 word for word where it is written, “I the LORD (Yahweh) search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

 Once more we see that Jesus and Yahweh are one and the same!

Of course there is no surprise here, because Jesus had displayed this attribute of deity many times during His earthly ministry. In Matthew 9:4 (a passage with which we have dealt under the matter of Jesus forgiving sins) we see that Jesus knew the unarticulated thoughts of the Scribes. When Jesus saw into their hearts, He was giving proof of His Deity. When Mark deals with this passage, he adds that Jesus knew by His Spirit (Mark 2:8)this means that, even though the thoughts of the Scribes were well hidden in the secret recesses of their hearts, Christ, by His Divine Spirit, knew clearly and distinctly what they were thinking. This means He is God!  (See also Matthew 12:25, Luke 6:8, Luke 9:47.)

Again, we read in John 2:24-25, “But Jesus did not commit Himself unto them, because He knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for He knew what was in man.

Spurgeon tells the story of how a great Grecian artist was fashioning an image for a temple and was diligently carving the back part of the goddess. Someone said to him, "You need not finish that part of the statue, because it is to be built into the wall."

He replied, "The gods can see in the wall."

The Greek had the wrong God but the right idea of the omniscience of deity. God sees everything; He’s Omniscient.

Finally, in Colossians 2:3 we discover that anything there is to know is hidden in Christ; we read “In Whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

For all knowledge to be in Christ means that all that can be known is known by Christ. Christ is, therefore, omniscient and thus qualified to be our only suitable Master and God!

“Great God how deep Thy counsels lie,

Supreme in power art Thou;

All things to Thy omniscient eye,

Are one eternal now”

-John Kent, 1844 A.D.

And that’s the Gospel Truth! Til He Comes...




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