
Showing posts from May 22, 2024


"Salvation is wholly of grace; not only undeserved, but undesired by us, till He is pleased to awaken us to a sense of our need of it. And then we find everything prepared that our wants require, or our wishes conceive; yea, that He has done exceedingly beyond what we could either ask or think.  Salvation is wholly of the LORD, and bears those signatures of infinite wisdom, power, and goodness, which distinguish all His works from the puny imitations of men. It is every way worthy of Himself, a great, a free, a full, a sure salvation.  It is great, whether we consider the objects, miserable and hell-deserving sinners; the end, (being) the restoration of such alienated creatures to His image and favour, to immortal life and happiness; or the means, the incarnation, humiliation, sufferings, and death of His beloved Son.  It is free, without exception of persons, or cases, without any conditions or qualifications, but such as He Himself performs in them, and bestows upon

The Wednesday Word ~ 22 May, 2024 A.D.

  Saved by the Death of a Lamb                                      by D. G. Miles McKee   Many years ago, in Germany, a steeplejack was doing work on the top of a church spire.  In the course of his work he lost his footing, slipped, and fell. He frantically tried to save himself by clutching onto one of the ledges but to no avail. It seemed as if he was going to lose his life because he was plunging hastily towards the ground. But the church building at which he was working was in a country parish and sheep generally ran freely in the church-yard. In the providence of God on the day that he fell there was a large lamb on the ground below him. The lamb broke his fall and saved his life. When he recovered from the shock of the fall and was able to get back on his feet, he was amazed to find that his injuries were minimal but by contrast the lamb was dead. The story became very famous as it was told widely throughout Germany. As the man relayed the details of what happened h