" The heirs of promise." -Hebrews 6:17 [KJV] Consider, (1st.) An heir of promise, is one who has no just right, or legal title, to an inheritance; but as it is ensured to him, by the promise of the owner: just so the Lord makes sinners, who have no right, or title, to this heavenly inheritance, a free promise that they shall be heirs to it. (2d.) When was this promise made? Before the world began, God who cannot lie, promised eternal life (see Titus 1:2.) (3d.) To whom could the promise be made, seeing man was not then created? It was not made to man, but for man: not for any thing in man: nor does the promise receive any stability, by any thing done by men. It was made in the eternal council and covenant, by God the Father, to His co-equal Son; for and in behalf of all the heirs of God. (4th.) Who are the heirs of promise? God knows every one of them. We know their name: it is sinner. In the fulness of time, He makes them manifest, and they have blessed ev