
Showing posts from June 3, 2024

Precious Faith

" To them who have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of GOD, and our Saviour JESUS CHRIST." -II Peter 1:1 [KJV] There may be strong faith, where there is no true faith. Persons may pretend to have the assurance of faith—may believe that their sins are forgiven, without one grain of precious faith. Who believes more than a Deist does? He believes he has wisdom to guide, and power to save himself, without either the word, or the grace of God. Who has stronger faith than the self-righteous Pharisee had? He believed he had a right to go to God—to plead his Works before God—and to assure his heart that he was accepted of God.  He wanted no righteousness from God. This is just such a faith, which all unregenerate men have. It is not a precious faith—it is not obtained through the precious righteousness of Christ—it doth not make His glorious person, and everlasting righteousness precious to the heart—it does not cause such, to renounce t