
Showing posts from August 21, 2024

O LORD, Lead and Guide Thy people

  Our Father, guide Your children’s feet Savior, protect Your wandering sheep Protect Your ransomed, blood-bought flock Be to our souls a shelt’ring Rock.   Protect us from a world of sin From foes without and worse within Protect us from the fiends of hell But most, protect us from ourselves.   Break all our pride and vain conceit Lord, lay us low before Your feet Make us our wretched vileness know Humble our hearts and lay us low.   Here we began, Here we must stay If we would walk the narrow way Sinners by nature, all undone Our only hope is in God’s Son.   But what a blessed hope this is Christ is the Lord our Righteousness Washed in His sin-atoning blood We stand perfect before our God!

Great Encouragement in Christ JESUS our LORD ~ 21 August, 2024 A.D.

" For the L ORD hath called thee, as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God." -Isaiah 54:6 [KJV] This was literally fulfilled, when Christ’s church was first gathered to Him in the days of His flesh. Scarcely were the disciples called and married to Christ, the loving Bridegroom, by faith, but He was taken away from them by a sudden and violent death. They were then like a woman, bereaved of her affectionate husband, who mourned and grieved for her great and affecting loss. They were then as a wife of youth, just married, and soon became as widows, whom the world refused and rejected.  But here lay all their comfort of faith, and joy of hope,—the Lord had called them, and He would never forsake them. Though death’s relentless arm snatched Christ from them, yet his power could not hold Him. By His own omnipotent power, Jesus raised Himself; and because of His everlasting love to them, He appeared again

The Wednesday Word ~ 21 August, 2024 A.D.

Omnipotence, Ascribed unto Jesus by D.G. Miles McKee   “He conquered the grave and now lives above, All praise to His name, all power and love. Made righteous in Jesus we someday shall rise, To dwell with our Savior above earth and skies.”   For Christ to be termed as omnipotent means He is all powerful!   Revelation 5:6   “And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.”   Note the number 7 in this verse.  As you know, 7 is the number of divine perfection.  Notice how this divine perfection is the possession of the Lamb. Observe how the Lamb had seven horns. The horn was a symbol of authority and strength and being that there are seven horns we are being pointed to the perfect power and omnipotence of the Lord Jesus.  Christ is omnipotent and is, therefore, God!  Only He Who is omnip