
Showing posts from September 27, 2024

Joy and Peace Forever

“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” -Romans 15:13 [KJV] All people, lost and saved, desire both joy and peace. But man, by nature, seeks these things where they cannot be truly found in eternity. He may find moments of joy and peace, but these moments will not last. Some may last until the judgment, but false joy and peace will be exposed as men come before Christ (cf. Matthew 7:21-23) .  The Word of God speaks of “joy and peace in believing.” But people can believe a lie, and most, even in religion, do. This joy and peace come by and from the Lord Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the Gospel of God’s free and sovereign grace to save, preserve, protect, ad glorify His people based on the righteousness of Christ imputed to them, and as the Holy Spirit gives them spiritual life in the revelation of the true Gospel to them. See Isaiah 32:16-20; Romans 1:16-17; 10:13-15   Those


" I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing." -Romans 7:18 [KJV] This is the knowledge which puffeth not up; but like love, edifieth the soul in deep humility: while it excites overflowing gratitude in the heart to Christ for His righteousness, to justify vile sinners. It is the knowledge of regenerate souls. I know: not only doctrinally, in notion and theory, but it is a confirmed truth, by heart-felt experience. I know it from day to day: I have proved it again and again: I am fully assured of it, as I am of my own existence, that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing.   St. Paul’s judgment of himself was confirmed by experience. But was he not a most eminent apostle, and holy saint? Yes; still he confesses publicly before God, angels, and men, that he was the subject of a nature, which was earthly, sensual, and devilish. If no good thing dwelt in his flesh, is it not implied, that every evil dwelt there? Doubtless, he would be so understoo